Singapore's Emissions Profile
Climate change is a global challenge that requires a global response. Despite the unique challenges and constraints Singapore faces as a dense built-up city-state with no hinterland and limited resources, we are committed to doing our part in the global fight against climate change.
Historically, our strategic position along the East-West trade routes has made Singapore a natural location for oil storage and refining facilities serving the region. Building on our position as a key regional port, the refining and petrochemical sector helps create synergies and is part of a business supply network in Southeast Asia, the Western Pacific, South Asia and Australasia. Although the refining and petrochemical sector remains a significant proportion of our total carbon emissions, we are taking steps to reduce emissions.
Emissions Profile

Carbon Intensity (CO2 per $GDP)
Singapore performs well in terms of carbon intensity globally (137th of 156 countries/territories for CO2 emissions per dollar GDP PPP in 2022, with the 1st having the highest carbon intensity).1
1Based on IEA data from IEA (2024) Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy,, All rights reserved.
Per Capita Emissions
Singapore ranked 20th out of 156 countries/territories in terms of CO2 emissions per capita in 2022, with the 1st having the highest per capita emissions.2
2Based on IEA data from IEA (2024) Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy,, All rights reserved.